Our Team / Notre équipe

Board of Directors / Conseil d’Administration

Trevor Welch
Chair, Check-Off Agency Rep.
District 1

8389 Route 107 Glassville, NB E7L 1B5
Tel : 246-6000
Cell : 328-5393
Email: trevor@welchsurveys.ca

Aden Culberson
District 2

(Victoria (Except Drummond Parish))
160 Rosedale Rd. Rosedale, NB E7M 3V8
Cell: 328-7450
Email: richardculbersonandsons@gmail.com

Spencer Acton
District 3

(Drummond Parish in Victoria County, Madawaska & Restigouche)
308 Cookville Loop Rd. Cookville, NB E4L 2A4
Tel: 536-2508
Email: spencer.acton@dal.ca

Richard Siddall
District 4

(Gloucester & Northumberland)
418 Parker Rd. Parker, NB E1V 5E5
Cell: 251-0811
Email: residdall@xplornet.ca

Nathan Phinney
District 5

(Westmorland & Albert)
167 Mount View Road.
Sackville NB E4L 1N5
Tel: 939-0993
Cell: 536-7563
Email : phinney.nathan@gmail.com

Bruce Hickey
District 6

9605 Route 116
Upper Rexton, NB E4W 3B8
Tel: 523-7543
Cell: 523-8629
Email: brucehickey1@hotmail.com

Charlie Dyer
District 7

(Queens, Sunbury, York and Charlotte)
(Except Drummond Parish)
Cell: 260-2297
Email: Charlie-dyer@hotmail.com

Donald Bettle
District 8

(Kings and Saint John)
130 Bettle Point Road Passekeag, NB E5N 7L4
Tel: 832-5740
Fax: 832-9466
Email: dgbettle@xplornet.ca

John Schuttenbeld
Vice-Chair, CCA Rep.
NB Dairy Rep.

Cell: 506-434-2357
1825 Route 105
Maugerville, NB E3A 8J3
Tel: 461-9254
Email: john.schuttenbeld@nbmilk.org

Districts are as follows:

(a) District 1, which shall consist of Carleton County;
(b) District 2, which shall consist of Victoria County except Drummond Parish;
(c) District 3, which shall consist of Drummond Parish in Victoria County and the counties of Madawaska and Restigouche;
(d) District 4, which shall consist of the counties of Gloucester and Northumberland;
(e) District 5, which shall consist of the counties of Westmorland and Albert;
(f) District 6, which shall consist of Kent County;
(g) District 7, which shall consist of the counties of Queens, Sunbury, York and Charlotte; and
(h) District 8, which shall consist of the counties of Kings and Saint John. 3(3)One member shall be appointed by the Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick